How to Not Pay for Private Piano Lessons!

Renee, a mom with lots of homeschool experience, shares tips and resources on her site. She has happily discovered how to not pay for private piano lessons for her son!

In her August 24, 2020 review, she shared her findings with her followers when she used the Revolutionary Piano Method for her own lessons at home:

how to not pay for private piano lessons

“You are not alone if you are concerned with your ability to teach piano at home. Homeschooling moms often feel stuck when it comes to teaching music at home. Perhaps, it’s because they don’t have the musical knowledge to feel proficient in instructing their children to play the piano. Or maybe it’s because private lessons are just not affordable at the time. You’ll be happy to know that I discovered how to not pay for private piano lessons!

“I know when my son showed an interest in music at an early age, I was concerned that we couldn’t afford lessons, or that we could afford a piano. In fact, I started off buying a simple toy keyboard with just two octaves; that’s 25 keys. Once we knew he was really going to stick with his lessons and do his practices at home, we bought him a larger electric keyboard with five octaves. And, later we were gifted a piano by a grandparent which was such a huge blessing!

“The Revolutionary Piano Method offers a new way for teaching piano to anyone regardless of age, skill, or previous experience with music or piano instruction. What’s really great about this method is that it’s designed for self-teaching. That means you don’t have to pay for private piano lessons! The lessons themselves are self-taught.

“As long as the student can read, the lesson books will guide the student in how to learn piano, and better yet, how to read music. Of course, mom or dad can also read along with a child who is still learning to read without them having any need whatsoever for prior music knowledge.” Get this unique method and see how to not pay for private piano lessons while learning the actual reading and playing of music!

Homeschool Piano Lessons for Pre-Readers

“The Revolutionary Piano Method Itty Bitty series was developed for young students ages 4 to 5 – or as I like to think of them – pre-readers, or even emergent readers. If you have a child who isn’t reading yet, these lessons are designed to teach how written music corresponds to specific keys on the piano keyboard.

“This method is ideal for homeschoolers because it’s focused on an instructional design. Think of it like you’d think of a mastery method for other homeschool lessons.”

A Key Difference with this Method

“In traditional piano lessons, students are expected to memorize finger placement based on a numbering system. Thus they learn through a method of muscle memory rather than by actually reading notes. With the Revolutionary Piano Method, students use a thinking process to understand the relationship between the note they read and the corresponding key they then play.”

How to Purchase the Revolutionary Piano Method

“You’ll save thousands of dollars with this self-teaching method because you won’t need to pay for expensive private lessons. The pricing for the books is between $10 and $12 each, so they are very affordable.”

These are available on Amazon, but are easiest to locate at where they are each linked to Amazon.

The Theory Lesson is Included!

The Revolutionary Piano Method includes both piano lessons and theory lessons. On the importance of learning theory, the author states:

“There are different kinds of learners. Some like to be shown the information as a visual/picture. Some prefer to just hear about it. Some like to actively apply the new information, as in playing the keys and clapping rhythms. With these three learners in mind, (Visual, Auditory, and Kinetic) the lesson instructions and the theory page that goes with it ‘teach to’ each student no matter what kind of learner they are.

“There are writing opportunities, matching games, and puzzles in the Theory Books. There are visual illustrations and optional singing in the Lesson Books, as well as the saying of each note name aloud while playing each key. Altogether this method has new information making its way into long-term memory – which creates success for the student of any age.”

Reader, you might like this blog which goes into more detail about the “easy way to learn piano” approach of the book series.

Leslie Young is the author/composer of the Revolutionary Piano Method. She co-founded a K-12th grade charter school in Texas and has been a piano teacher for about 40 years. She has had experience teaching a variety of students tackling piano for the first time or as returning students.

She states: “In teaching piano to students of varying ages, what also varies is a commitment of time and the amount of dedication. Children of certain ages may do very well with a parent as teacher; others may need someone who is not family to instruct them. Some older children and adults prefer to make progress on their own, and this method is designed to act as a meticulous guide through new material. Some adults and teens insist on professional teachers, which also encourages continuity. Because these books are self-explanatory, a new or experienced professional teacher will have no trouble using the Revolutionary Piano Method with students. It is an easy way to learn piano.”

View the books on Amazon:

piano lesson books itty bitty lesson level 1
piano lesson books

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